17 Jul 2023, Monday
17 Jul 2023, Monday
Prioritized Daily Task
Check with a travel agent for a trip with the 12+ or - year-old grandchildren
Driggs and Victor ID - chair lift on Grand Targhee
Huckberry milkshake in Victor
spend the night at Karlene's and Joe L.'s cabin in Swan Valley
I was up early, had prayer, and took the Polaris Ranger to the gas station and filled it with gas. When I got back to the cabin Debbie, Mirko, and Ljubica were up. No one was hungry, so we drove up to Mormon Row, just north of Jackson Hole near the Teton Mountains. We took some pictures of old barns with the Grand Tetons in the background. After leaving we drove down to the Sidewinders Grill outside Jackson Hole. The food was very good but a little expensive. After breakfast/lunch, we drove to we drove up to Targhee and rode the chair lift to the summit. We were on the east side of the mountain this morning and this afternoon we are on the west side above Victor, Idaho. We took pictures and on the way back to the cabin in Swan Valley we stopped in Driggs at the Imporium and got huckleberry milkshakes. When we got to the cabin Debbie prepared dinner. Afterward, I talked to Matthew and he is sending me a revised draft to Eric Fisher, Attorney in Atlanta. He did not finish it last night. He did not get to bed until 5:30 AM slept two hours, and back to work. Mirko, Ljubica, Debbie, and I watched Age of Adeline, starring Blake Lively, Elain's daughter, and my niece. We had prayer with Mirko and Ljubica. We finished the movie and had prayer before going to bed. I called and talked to Michael, Dan, Ora, and Elain. Note: I thought about life as I looked at family pictures: We start to die the moment we are born. Life is like the grains of sand in an hourglass. When the hourglass is turned over the first grain of sand falls through. The hour is not over until the last grain falls through. So it is with us from the first breath we breathe we take life is not over until our last breath. There is a song I first heard as a child, "This Old House". Well I ain't a-gonna need this house no longer Ain't a-gonna need this house no more Ain't got time to fix the shingles Ain't got time to fix the floor Ain't got time to oil the hinges Nor to mend the window panes Ain't gonna need this house no longer I'm getting ready to meet the saints Released in May 1954 I like the version by the Statler Brothers best
Imporium in Driggs at the Imporium for a huckleberry milkshakes

Me, Mirko, and Ljubica
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