24 Jul 2023, Monday
24 Jul 2023, Monday
Prioritized Daily Task
Alexander "Alex" Gourley's 19th Birthday
9:00 AM - Days of 47 Parade - Days of 47 Parade starts at South Temple and State ST. ends at Liberty Park.
1:00 PM - Picnic at This Is The Place Heritage Park 2601 East Sunnyside Ave. SLC, UT 84108.
I got up at 5 AM and took the garbage and recyclables to the street.
I came back in and went to bed. Debbie has been up coughing and not resting well. I slept until 7:30 AM; Debbie and I had prayer together. Debbie found the anniversary card I put under her pillow last week for our 9th wedding anniversary. We ate a lite breakfast and drove up to SLC and parked. We walked a block to the corner of 200 E. and 900 S. where we found a place to set up our chairs. We watched the parade for two or more hours, a little over 100 entries. Debbie had been to the parade before but this was the first time for me and the Jelicics. After the parade ended we drove up to KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken, restaurant. we got a bucket of chicken and 3 sides, french fries, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn. We took Mirko and Ljubica to This Is The Place, Heritage Park, and ate our picnic lunch. We rode the little trains around the park and saw the small one-room original old log homes brought here and reassembled. We had some ice cream and Brigham donuts. I got a text from Alex; she had to work today and can not make it for the fireworks this evening. Glenn Smith called and said he is on another Kemo treatment for his cancer and will not be able to come. We came home and studied some in Acts chapter 10. We used the English, KJV of the Bible instead of the Croatian they have been using. It took a little longer but it helps them more with their English. It takes longer, but they understand more. We watched a movie on TV. Ljubica cooked beans; Jared called and he and the family will not be able to come over tonight to shoot fireworks. Debbie, Mirko, and I went down to the corner of the street and shot a few fireworks rockets and visited with Brother and Sister Lewis who are leaving at the end of November for a mission in England. We had prayer before going to bed.

Days of 47 Parade in SLC, (200 E. and 800 S. corner)
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