29 Jul 2023, Saturday

 29 Jul 2023, Saturday

Prioritized Daily 

10:00 AM - Saturday visit Golden Spike Park, 6200 N 22300 W, Corinne, UT 84307, National Historical Park program Golden Spike reactanment 

Brigham City Temple

6:01 PM - Pick Michael up at the Provo Airport

10:00 AM

Note:  Debbie sent this to me:   A Visit:

Patience visited me and it reminded me

That good things take time to come to fruition

And grow slowly with stability.

Peace visited me and it reminded me

That U may remain calm through the storms of life

Regardless of the chaos surrounding me.

Hope visited me and it reminded me

That better times lay ahead

And it would always be there to guide and uplift me.

Humility visited me and it reminded me

That I may achieve it not by trying to shrink myself and make myself less, But by focusing on serving the world and uplifting those around me.

Kindness visited me and it reminded me

To be more gentle, forgiving and compassionate toward myself

And those surrounding me.

Confidence visited me and it reminded me

To not conceal or suppress my gifts and talents in order to make others feel more comfortable

But to embrace what makes me me.

Focus visited me and it reminded me

That other people’s insecurities and judgments about me are not my problem

And I should redirect my attention from others back to me.

Freedom visited me and it reminded me

That no one has control over my mindset, thoughts, and well-being, But me.

And love visited me and it reminded me

That I need not search for in others

As it lies within me.

Debbie and I had prayer, showered, and got ready.  Mirko and Ljubica were ready at 8:20 AM and we drove up to Promontort,  Golden Spike National Park.  We watched the reenactment of the Central Pacific coming from CA and the Union Pacific coming from the East and meeting here, connecting the nation from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.  We took pictures and drove to Brigham City to see the Temple and the Tabernacle across the street.  I talked to Dave and Jennifer Hagyood, old friends of mine.  I returned Elain, my sister's phone call.  She is doing well but doesn't know when she will be back to her cabin in Timber Lakes.  I talked to Dan and checked on Ora, his wife, and my sister.  She is not doing well and losing strength.   We got home and Matthew decided not to take the sofa couch out of his old office in Provo and put it in the garage at the cabin.  Matthew went with me to Costco.  We got all the vehicles, Patrick's pickup truck, Michael's Land Rover, and the Subaru all filled with fuel this afternoon or evening.   Matthew purchased some clothes and a plastic box to store them in when he comes to Utah from San Clemente so he does not have to bring a suitcase on the plane.  Some of the airlines he flies on charges almost as much for a suitcase as they do for a passenger ticket.  I purchased a long sleeve white dress shirt L/G/G, size 16 - 16.5 in the neck and 34/35 sleeve length. We took the trash and recycle containers to the street to be picked up Monday.  We took the Subaru and Patrick's pickup truck to them washed and filled both with fuel.  I took the Land Rover to the Provo Airport while Matthew and Debbie drove over to Patrick Hobb's.  When I got to the airport at 7 PM Matthew called and told me Michael's plane did not take off but was turned around and was just taken off at about 10:30 PM.  We all had prayer together and later Debbie and I had prayer.  Matthew left to go and pick Michael up when he arrives at the Provo Airport.  I waited for them to get home and we visited.  I got to bed a little after 1:30 AM.


                                                            Mirko and Ljubica Jelicic

                          Reenactment of the driving of  the last spike in the Transcontinental Rail Road
                           Central Pacific R.R. - me, Mirko, Ljubica, and Debbie - Union Pacific R.R.
                                               Mirko and Ljubica at the Brigham City Temple


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