31 Aug 2023, Thursday
31 Aug 2023, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task 5:00 AM PST - Pray, pack, check out of the Nugget Hotel in Reno, fill the Subaru with gas, talk to Matthew and Michael before conference video with Eric Fisher at 2:00 PM MST, approve a proposed purchase of A&M from Janie Morrie Dunman and Nancy Abercrombie, drive to Lehi, wash the car, fill car with gas and buy groceries, check the mail, prayer with Jeliic and Debbie and I had prayer together before going to bed at about 11 PM MST. I copied the proposal and filed it in A&M, Eric Fisher, file We were up early, had prayer, showered, and packed before going down to breakfast at 6 AM. I checked us out of the hotel and drove to Wendover, UT stopping twice for gas. I talked to Matthew and Michael before our conference video meeting about the proposal to Jimmy and his mother Janie Morris Dunman and Nancy Abercrombie to purchase A&M Investments. After the meeting I gave Eric Fisher, Attorney, to procee...