22 Jan 2023, Sunday

22 Jan 2023, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task

10:30 AM - church at Abbington Memory Center

12 Noon, Lehi 7th Ward church services 

5:00 PM - birthday party at Patrick and Anndalyn's (Michael and Alex came)

Debbie was up early this morning cooking for the party this afternoon.  She was making chile and a German chocolate cake.  We had prayer together, got dressed for church, and went to church at Abbington Memory Centers.  The bishop of the 38th Ward (I think) assigned priesthood to provide the sacrament and conduct.  He also had members to provide the music.  He asked Brother Berms Matthews, an 87-year-old, from the ward to speak.  He grew up in Highland.  When he was a boy all the roads were dirt except the main highway which was paved.  Gas was 18 cents a gallon.  His mother was up in years and told him to never get old.  The concluding speaker was Brother Nick Stewart.  He grew up in the Church but became disillusioned with it and was a bitter inactive member.  He had kept the commandments and paid tithing, but where had it got him, he blamed God for his problems.  He bottom, things could not get any worse, he thought and he started reading and studying AA's Big Book.  It started to turn his life around.  He saw God had not abanded him; it was he who had abanded God.  I talked with him after church services and got his phone number 385-314-6430.  After the chairs, table, and everything for church services were stored Debbie and I drove home and she picked up the materials she has ready to take to Lehi 7th Ward to teach Relief Society class today.  We attended sacrament meeting.  Jane Haws was at church today.  Debbie taught Relief Society and I attended priesthood class.  My sister, Elain, and her daughter, Lori Lynn, called.  I sent them some pictures Debbie and I took of our Cancun trip.  Alex, my granddaughter, called.  She and Michael, her dad, came to Patrick and Anndalyn Hobbs's home for the birthday party at 5 PM.  Debbie and I came home after church and Debbie finished cooking for the party this evening.  We took the soup, salad, chips, cake, etc. to Pat and Anndalyn's.  It has been snowing most of the day today.  We played games, visited, and had a nice meal.  Michael and Alex came as did George, Laura, Clara, and Allison.  Lyndan, Anndalyn's mother, was there as well as Camden, Ellie Audrey, Bradock, and Ocie.  Michael took pictures and a video of the German chocolate and ice cream cakes with candles.  We celebrated my birthday, and Allison's.  We mention Mackay's 9th birthday.  He and his family are in Logan and could not come down today.  We played a game, Michael and one of his friends from MIT are skiing tomorrow.  Debbie and I gave the ice cream cake to Allison and we took the remainder of the German chocolate cake home with us.  We got ready for bed, had prayer, and to bed about 10:30 PM.  


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