29 Jan 2023, Sunday

 29 Jan 2023, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task 

10:30 AM - Attend Sacrament Meeting at Abbington Memory Center

1:00 PM - Take Debbie and Karlene to SLC Airport to catch a Delta flight to Sacramento, CA for the General Potato and Onion Distribution (GPOD) Board Meeting, Randy Pura, Chairman of the Board is retiring this year (Jalna Searle owned 25% of the stock in TGI that comes under the Idaho GPOD in Shelly, ID) meeting is tomorrow, Monday, 30th January 2023

Note:  Many years ago when I was a young man, I had a strong spirit and believing too much in myself, I had written somewhat of a motto. "What E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part".  The quote is from Shakespeare, I first heard it in a talk President David O. McKay gave.  He saw it chisled in stone wall while on his mission to England.  I had added to these words, "That, that you desire to become in life, pretend you are, then act well thy part.  Then that you desire to become you are."  But now, years later, I know that hope and simply believing are not enough.  Humbly falling at the feet of Jesus and allowing Him to be part of your plan to become all you can become are necessary for real success and happiness.  In this quest, Charity, is a key ingredient; as we are still and look inward, then upward, the Light and Spirit of Christ will make us more than we could ever dream of becoming on our own."  (I may have more to say on this another day.)

Debbie was up early this morning and got ready for church and her trip to Sacramento, CA for her GPOD meeting tomorrow.  We had prayer and went to church at Abbington Memory Center to make sure the resident received the sacrament.  David and Marsha Knutson were there and had everything setup when we arrived.  They were surprised to see us.  We told them we had the days we are assigned confused but Debbie and her sister have to be at the Salt Lake City Airport at 1 PM.  It will be pushing it if we wait until 12 Noon when Lehi 7th Ward starts their Sacrament program.  When church ended and we had the opportunity to take of the sacrament we came home.  Debboe prepared a nice meal; Karlene arrived from Shelly, ID.  She left early this morning.  There was a snow storm and until she got in Utah she had to drive in a single lane because of the snow.  After brunch, pot roast, mashed potatoes, and brokli I and the kitchen was clean, I moved Karlene't pickup truck in the garage.  I put Debbie and Karlene's luggage in the Outback and took them to catch their Delta flight to Sacramento.  I drove back home, took a nap.  Later I called and face-timed Michael, Autumn, Blake, Gracey, and Manual on their way to Matthew and Melodie's for a birthday party for Bella. and Andrew.  I listened to some of Matthew 4, and Luke 4, 5.  I had prayer, Debbie called and we had prayer together and got to bed about 10:00 PM.


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