30 Jan 2023, Monday
30 Jan 2023, Monday
Prioritized Daily Task
Pick up trash and take the trash and recycle to the street
Email Michael and Matthew do we need to sign up for Ring video services with an email said the trial will expire on Feb. 4th? (Michael is taking care of it and the replaceable battery for the Ring door bell)
Call Capital One about $395.52 cash refund, how to receive check and is the $25,000 spent this month included?
Check with the City of Lehi on bill from city for services
7:00 AM - Legacy Center exercise and walk
8:30 AM - have blood drawn to check Thyroid glands (Normal test range for an adult: 0.40 - 4.50 mIU/mL)
8:05 PM Delta Flt. 2812 arriving - pickup Debbie and Karlene SLC Airport
Watch the movie "The Ron Clark Story" on YouTube
Notes about GPOD, General Potato and Onion Distribution. The company was started by Gordon Zuckerman and Randy Pura in California. The Potato distribution was in California and the Onion distribution was in Washington. Fred Thompson and John Gelllinp started a potato distribution company in Idaho Falls, TGI, Thompson Gellip Inc., and hired Jalna Searle who was working at the beet plant to come and work as their secretary. They paid her more and gradually gave her more responsibilities. As the secretary and answering the phone, she got to know their customers. Bob Wilkins, the general sales manager, was jealous of Jalna's success because she made him look like a poor salesman. Fred and John offered Jalna the opportunity to buy into the company as they were combining with GPOD, Gordon Zuckerman, and Randy Pura (ZIPCO) Zuckerman Idaho Potato Company into one company, GPOD. When potato season ended in Idaho Fred Thompson and John Gellinp would go to CA and work for Gordon and Randy having a warmer season kept growing potatoes. Jalna made a name for herself and was respected by men who did not give much respect or credit to women. Her main clients were in NY and CA. Before she retired she brought Kevin Searle in to take her place in sales.
I was up early, had prayer, took the trash and recycle containers to the street for the city of Lehi to pick up, I drove to the Legacy Center to walk and exercise and called my sister, Ora. She slept on a little last night but the edema, water retention in her feet and legs is going down. I talked to Mike Coultas, an old friend from Georgia that is now living in Lake Michigan, Indiana in a retirement center near his son, Shawn, and his family. I went by the lab and had blood drawn to test my thyroid glans. I have not been taking any Levothyroxine medication since August 2022. I checked with the City of Lehi about our last month's bill that was paid on Citi Bank Visa Card. The break out for last month was electric power $63.65, water $22.54, for sewer 26.00, and garbage $13.06. It will be about the same charges for the bill that is coming out soon. I called Inside Tracker Customer Service about the vitamins and supplements I am taking. I had some questions and I have a 30-minute appointment on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 11:30 AM MST to talk with a dietary specialist. I also called Capital One and Citi Bank to get our cash-back rebates for last year. They will be emailed or mailed in the next three weeks. I watched The Ron Clark story (about a school teacher in NY). I drove to the SLC Airport and picked Karlene and Debbie up at 7:45 PM. They got in earlier than scheduled. We came home. It is 7 degrees F. here in Lehi. Debbie said it is -30 F. in Shelly. Karlene is spending the night with us. Debbie and Karlene are in the kitchen going over their notes from the GPOD meeting this morning. Debbie unpacked, and we had prayer together before going to bed.
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