19 Feb 2023, Sunday
19 Feb 2023, Sunday
Prioritized Daily Task
10:15 AM - Church at Abbington Memory Center
12:00 Noon - Lehi 7th Ward church services start
Showered, shaved, prayer, had breakfast, and to Abbington Memory Center for church. We arrived at about 10 AM and set up the front lobby and TV room with chairs, table, and podium for the ward that has the assignment today to provide priesthood and music for the Church services. After church and putting everything back in storage Debbie and I came home. At 12 Noon we attended Sacrament and Sunday School in Lehi 7th Ward, our assigned ward. As we were leaving I asked Brother Brice Peck to contact Brother Michael Jardine about administering and giving me a priesthood blessing. I sent Brother Jardine an email but he went home before we got out of Sunday School. I did not hear from Brother Jardine. Brother Peck got Brother A.L. Payne to come over to the house and they administered to me and blessed me that my back would get well. I called and talked to Beth this morning. She and the children were at Brett and Rae Lynn's. They were having church services at home. Tucker, Ethan, Luke, and Owen were managing the sacrament. I emailed them and Michael, Autumn, Matthew, Melodie, Alex, and Gavin the letter from a Grandpa to his Grandchildren, by Paul Harvey. Debbie and I had dinner and watched the movie, A More Perfect Union: America Becomes a Nation is a 1989 American feature film dramatizing the events of the 1787 Constitutional Convention that has been restored in high definition. Debbie and Karlene talked. Debbie and I had prayer together before going to bed. Pam Allenbach was discharged from the rehab center and went home. Debbie has been setting with and helping the family care for Pam since her aneurysm left her paralyzed on her left side and Rick, her husband, has been diagnosed with cancer.
Pam and Rick Allenbach
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