14 Mar 2023, Tuesday
14 Mar 2023, Tuesday
Prioritized Daily Task
3:30 PM - Camden performs in the choir at the Riverton High School
Debbie and I had prayer before she left to go take care of Pam Allenbach today. She cooked breakfast and I cleaned the kitchen and dishes after she left. I went Thrive Nursery and saw Kristina Veenker. She has ordered an espalier two or three grafts pear tree. She have me the cards of a couple of people who can help with the pruning of the trees, grape vines, and roses. Owen Tree Carre 208-440-6936. Krist attended a class he taught. I tried calling and got his answering machine. I did not leave a message because he is in Idaho. The other was Gustoavo Lopez with The Other Side Landscaping 801-636-1713. I talked to him and sent him a text with our address. I went by Cook's Nursery and bought a bottle of Neem to defend against insects, disease, and mites. I also bought a self-mixing sprayer. It is raining today. I went by Canden's choir performance and set next to his mother, Anndalyn. I took some pictures and sent them to Debbie. I drove the Land Lover and when I got home, I took it back to Glenn and Wendy Smith's and parked it in their driveway. When Debbie left Pam's it was raining hard enough they canceled Clara's softball game so Debbie came home. We had dinner and Debbie worked on helping Karlene get their mother's estate settled. We studied scriptures, had prayer, and went to bed.
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