16 Mar 2023, Thursday

16 Mar 2023, Thursday

Prioritized Daily Task

Repair the connection of the flex-water hose

Spray the fruit trees, grave vines, and roses with the Neem I purchased Tuesday at Cook's nursery.

Check on Apple TV $6.99 monthly charge

10:00 AM - appointment with Dr. Smith, dentist for Debbie and me to get our teeth cleaned

Note:  It has occurred to me over the last few weeks something I new but had not realized that one bookend to Christ's approximately 3-year ministry on earth was when he went into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days.  Then came the first temptation, it was physical.  Christ was hungry and the devil told Him to turn stones into bread.  Christ did not succumb.  The second was spiritual. Satan tells Christ, you want the people to believe you are the Son of God, then just jump off the pinnacle of the temple and angels will catch you.  When the people see this they will know you are the Son of God.  Neither did this work for Satan.  Then he played his trump card and all his aces; he went for broke tempting Christ with all the kingdoms, wealth, and glory of this earth if he would worship him, Satan.  This time Christ told Satan, "No, get out of here."   (Matthew 4:1-10)                          Then started the ministry Christ was sent here for.                                          His ministry ended with the other bookend,  Gethsemane and Calvary or Golgotha.  (This time the first shall be last and the last shall be first, temptations and trials.)  The physical experience in Gethsemane where Christ suffered for the sins; and took upon Him the sorrows, illnesses, heartaches, depression, anxiety, fears, every acute pain, every heartfelt grief, every crushing wrong, and every human hurt experience of every human being since time began and till the end of time.   I do not understand how this can be but Luke put it this way in chapter 22, verse 44, "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."  He was taken from Gethsemane, for a rigged trial to be scourged and led away to Calvary where he was crucified, nailed to a cross,  between two thieves, and put to death.  All this had to be before it could be said "The Son of Man hath descended below them all." (D&C 122:8). After three days he rose triumphant from the grave and received all the glory that Satan tried to tempt him with plus all the glory, kingdoms, and principalities of the universe.                                                                        

 I divided these up into physical or temporal and spiritual temptation, trials, and experiences but to Christ, all things are spiritual.  (Doctrine and Covenants 29:34)

Debbie and I had prayer; showered and shaved, and Debbie and I went to Doctor Smith's office.  We got out teeth cleaned.  I need to get a cavity under or at the edge of a crown fixed.  I learned today Dr. Smith is no longer in the network With Humana HMO insurance.  I had to pay for today's services.  I made an appointment for next Monday, March 20th at 2:30 PM with Dr. Dennis Blume at 3082 W. Maple Loop Dr. Suite 175 in Lehi.  Dr. Blume is in the network with Humana.   We got home and I sprayed the fruit trees, grape vines, and rose bushes with Neem Oil.  Debbie.  The water to the yard was cut off for the winter.  I had to turn it on; I forgot to shut off the drain lines to the sprinkler system.  I had to empty the control box and turn the shutoff valve off.  It is cold and the water hose leaked.  I got soaking wet and had to change clothes.  My fingers were numb.  I went over Curtis's proposal for solar panels on the house.  Debbie went to Clara's softball game and Camden's concert.  I finished my projects outside, shut off the cut-off valve to the sprinkler lines, and worked on the metal flex water hose.  It still leaks but not quiet as bad as before.  I ate dinner, read, and watched some TV.  Karlene came by and dropped off tax information on the farm and their mother's estate.  Debbie got home and put clothes in the dryer.  She ate dinner, we studied scriptures, had prayer, and went to bed.


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