21 Mar 2023, Tuesday
21 Mar 2023, Tuesday
Prioritized Daily Task
9:00 AM - Call Palace Resort with Debbie (send email required)
1:00 PM - Mt. Timpanogos endowment appointment
Debbie and I had prayer and called customer service at Palace Resorts. We were told we will have to send an email to memberservices@palaceelite.com.mx. It needs to come from the email they have on file, mcalpindebbie@gmail.com. She sent an updated itinerary to Mirko, Ljubica, and Boyana Jelicic for June - September. Jody called, she starts her radiation treatments for her breast cancer next Monday. Laura Gourley came by and helped get Easter decorations off the shelf in. the garage. I read and studied scriptures in the book of John in the New Testament. We were late getting to our appointment at 1 PM in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and attended the 1:30 PM endowment session. We got home and I walked down to the mailbox, picked up the mail, and brought the Land Rover home from Glenn and Wendy Smith's. When the session ended we picked Jack up at home. His mother was sick and had no one to watch him. We took him with us to Alex Gourley's BYU Trombone Choir in the new music building in one of the recital halls. We met his parents and his girlfriend. Afterward, we went to the Wilkerson Center for dinner. When we got home Jody, Shelby, and Libbie were there. Later Jared came by with Tate after his young men's activity; they watched a movie outdoors. When they left, Debbie and I had prayer with Jody and Libby. Shelby was showering downstairs. Debbie and I had prayer together and read scriptures before going to sleep about 11 PM.
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