22 Mar 2023, Wednesday
22 Mar 2023, Wednesday
Prioritized Daily Task
9:00 AM Debbie's hair appointment
1:30 PM - Dustin Cook, with Servpro, 801-785-5228, mobile 801-885-1564 address 967 W 240 N, Lindon UT 84042. email dustin@servoroutahcounty.com
Note: Email from Jimmy Morris on 2 July 2019: The maturity date (which is also when it should be paid off at current payments) is 03/03/2023.
*Note, This morning while I was studying the scriptures and listening to Jared Halverson, I learned some powerful insights into the Parable of the Sower: – Matthew 13:3-8,23; Mark 4:4-8,20; and Luke 8:5,8
A sower went out to sowe. Some of the seeds fell by the wayside, some fell on stony ground with little dirt and could not send roots down to reach the living water, some seeds fell in thorny ground and the thorns (cares of the world) sapped its strength. Some seeds fell on good ground and brought forth fruit, a 100 fold, some 60 fold, and some 30 fold, depending on pride and complacency.
Every time I get to choose the ground in which the seed will be planted. God gives me the seed and waits to see where I will plant it. God has provided me with the seed (the word of God) but he will not plant it. We can cast it off or plant it where we choose.
Debbie was up early at 5:00 AM and went to the Legacy Center for her aerobic class at 5:30 AM. I got up before 7 AM, had prayer, and read the scriptures. Jody, Shelby, and Libby are still sleeping. Our bathroom commode ran over this morning and flooded the bathroom, part of our closet and bedroom, and the bedroom downstairs directly under the commode. I called Liberty Mutual Home Owners about our policy, H3V-268-181083-60. I spoke with Dan but did not file a claim. We have a deductible of $1,000 before the insurance starts paying. Dan gave me the phone number of Serv Pro, 801-785-5280. I called them and they are sending Dustin out between 1 and 2 PM today. Debbie went at 9 AM to get her hair fixed. Debbie washed and dried, wet bed linen and towels. I went to Costco and filled the car with gas, and bought a few items from the grocery section. A little after 1:30 PM Dustin from Servpro, Property Restoration came by to check on what it will cost for the water damage from the overflowing of the commode in the master bathroom. It will probably run from 4 to 6 thousand dollars. We called Liberty Mutual Home Owners Insurance and spoke with Brandy. We filled a claim and was give the claim number of 052933613. I got an answer to the email I sent to Jimmy Morris asking about the payoff of the Chulio Road Floyd County Nursing Home. He said the final payment was made on Feb. 28th, but has not received the canceled note from the bank. Debbie went with Jody and the girls for some rest and relaxation, R and R. I read and moved the things from our bed. We moved this morning because of the overflowed commode so Dennis could inspect the flooded area. Debbie, Jody, Shelby, and Libby brought dinner home from shopping and ate. The girls watched a movie on the blowup bed downstairs. Debbie and I had prayer before going to bed.
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