27 Mar 2023, Monday

 27 Mar 2023,  Monday

Prioritized Daily Task

Jody Traveller starts radiation treatments and ends at the end of April

 (801-205-5548 920 call Kristina Veenker at Thrive Nursery about the espalier pear tree ordered last year. (she said it is scheduled to be here April 10th to 14th.)

Anthony All-Hour Plumbing (801-515-0677) will be out here today to give us a price on repairing the Gerber Commode in the master bathroom

Send Michael a copy of the appraisals for the 40 acres in Cleveland and Floyd Nursing home in Rome, GA.

Call Servpro, 801-785-5228, about picking up the dehumidifier and heater fans.  It will be sometime between noon and 1 PM.   Ryan will be in touch with us regarding the restoration.  (Liberty Mutual Claim Number  052933613

*Note: African Americans before 1978 who joined the Church were often asked, why would you join that church; you can't hold the Priesthood?  Some African Americans responded since there is no other church with the Priesthood, I could not get the Priesthood anywhere else anyway.                  I do not understand this, but I will come, I will stay, and I will trust and wait.  This is where I have found the Words of Eternal Life.  Why would I leave when no one else has anything good enough to take its place.

I woke this morning at about 2:30 AM and took the garbage and recyclables to the street to be pickup today by the City of Lehi.  I went back to bed.  Debbie got up at about 5 AM and went to the Legacy Center for her aerobic exercise class.  I got up later, showered, and shaved.  When Debbie got home we had prayer together.  I called Krist at Thrive Nursery.  She said the pear espalier tree should be here between April 10th and 14th. She said she would let me know for sure what date as soon as it was firmed up.  I called All-Hour Plumbing for an. estimate on repairing the Gerber commode.  He is scheduled to be here between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  I sent Michael a copy of the Floyd Nursing Home Appraisal and the appraisal for the approx. 40 acres inside the city limits of Cleveland, GA.  Debbie cooked dinner for us but added meat for Matthew.  I went to Pizza Hut to get a cheese-stuffed crust pizza for Bella.  Matthew and Bella spent the night at the cabin last night and skiedd today. Matthew sent me a picture.  When they got home they were both tired.  They ate, we watched a movie and had prayer before going to bed.  Debbie and I had prayer together and went to bed. 

                                                           Matthew and Isabella "Bella" 


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