4 Mar 2023, Saturday
Prioritized Daily Task
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Roots Tech Virtual Genealogical Conference
*Note: “It’s (genealogy) a way to learn about the ancestors that live on through me. We are the key to our ancestors’ eternal life, and through my children, in a way, I’ll live forever.” -Ali Astin she sent to Shawn Astin, her father, on stage at Roots Tech With the blessings of the Temple, we will have roots and wings through JESUS CHRIST. "Roots" (I am putting this quote in the front of the book, Favorite Quotes and Thoughts of Leonard and Debbie, 2022 Quotes and Thoughts, I am sending to all the children this year.)
We had prayer together this morning. I showered and shaved. Debbie took Max, Jack, Ocie, and Braddock to the trampoline park. Later she took them to lunch before coming home. Beth called and later I talked to Michael. I also called and talked to Ora. Michael has yet to go to Georgia and Florida. It may be next month before he goes. I listen to some of Roots Tech. One of their guests was Steve Astin. He read a text he received from his daughter Ali who is interested in genealogy and is attending Harvard University. Debbie worked on getting Mirko, Ljubica, and Bojana's airline tickets and seats assigned and organized. At 7:30 PM, for date night, we went to the Auto Rama, World of Wheels, Car and Automotive Show at Mountain America Expo Center in Midvale, UT. Kevin Marsh, Debbie's cousin, Liz, and his daughter were there with the elderly Steve Fullmer. I took some pictures of the cars, the Ford A-Model, and the 1967 Ford T-Bird, Kevin restored. The Zarifa home message company had chairs on display and people were getting massages to temp them into buying as I did when the chair we have at home. I bought at the Real Estate Trade Show in San Francisco when Matthew had a booth selling his software. When we got home, we had prayer, studied scriptures, and went to bed. We started our fast this evening.
Z-Smart Massage Chairs
Debbie with some Stingray Corvettes from the 1960s
Volts Wagon bus
Kevin, Leslie, and their children
A-Model Kevin restored
1956 Ford Thunderbird Kevin restored
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