26 Apr 2023, Wednesday

 26 Apr 2023, Wednesday

Prioritized Daily Task

Visit St. Marrten Island divided, part Dutch and part French, Airport runway starts at the edge of Maho Bay Beach

Debbie and I were up at 7 AM. Had prayer and studied the scriptures.

7:45 PM Dinner

8:45 PM - show Tap Factory

We were up at 7 AM.  The ship docked this morning at Philipsburg, St. Maarten.  Debbie and I had prayer and studied scriptures before meeting Matthew, Melodie, Vickie, and the girls for breakfast.  We got off the ship and caught a Taxi to Maho Bay.  We rented lounge chairs and umbrellas and spent about 4 hours on the beach.  Debbie, Matthew, and Vickie got messages from a local lady working on the beach. We had lunch there before our Taxi picked us up and took us back to the ship.  The temperature got up to about 90 degrees F.  Everyone got a lot of sun today.  I stayed under an umbrella with my hat and covered with a shirt, pants, and shoes and still got a slight sunburn.  We went to dinner and later Debbie and I saw a show, Tap Factory.  Matthew, Melodie, Vickie, Madeline, and Bella went to see the aerobic show, InTENse, Debbie and I saw the same show Monday evening.  Ava went to her children's group scheduled activities program.  Debbie and I showered earlier, had prayer, and studied scriptures before going to bed.

                                                      Melodie, and Matthew at Maho Bay Beach


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