30 Jun 2023, Friday

30 Jun 2023, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task Luke Hobbs volleyball tournament, SLC Conference Center, approx. 5 PM to 9:00 PM (his games go through Sunday, but this was the last day I could go) Debbie was up early and drove up to Logan. She took Stephanie and Drew to lunch at Chic-fil-A for his birthday. I had prayer, studied scriptures, and worked until 2 PM on the email package to Eric Fisher, Attorney in Atlanta. When Debbie got home we drove up to the Salt Palace and watched Luke play volleyball. 11 PM - Friday night I camped at Squaw Peek. Debbie and I drove up and set up our canopy at about midnight. Some young people at peak helped us set up the canopy. It is much easier if you have four or five people helping. Debbie went back home and I spent the night there. Sa...