15 Jun 2023, Thursday

 15 Jun 2023, Thursday

Prioritized Daily Task

Woodrow Wilson Elementary School

Tour Conference Center and part of Temple Square - Temple is under rentinvatiioin 

Dinner at Old  Bridge Cafe

Debbie and I were up early, had prayer together, showered, and shaved.  Mirko and Ljubica got up.  I had Mirko get in the vibrating chair downstairs.  Debbie sent a picture to his daughter Bojana in Novi Sad, Serbia.  Today we went to the Woodrow Wilson Elementary School.  It is now housed in the same building as a Utah Technical School and the County's Educational Administrative Office.  They were no help in finding the two teachers, Mrs. Bricker and Mrs. Page, who Bojana wants to visit with when she comes in August.  We went to the old elementary school, at 2825 South 200 East, SLC where Bojana attended in 1991.  It now houses a Head Start office and a community center for youth with a playground.  Debbie and I took them to the Conference Center and listened to an organ recital for 30 minutes by Linda Margetts.  The visitor's center is being temporarily housed there until the new one is built.  We took a tour of the center and then went to dinner at the Old Bridge Cafe.  We had some Bosnian and Serbian food.  I ate a little beef and chicken today.  It is basically the first I have had since October of 2022.  When we got home we watched a movie and documentary show before having prayer and going to bed. 

                                Ljubica, Mirko, and Micah Wimmer served as a missionary in Nova Sad
                                                              Debbie, Ljubica Mikro, and me
                                               Mirko and Ljubic Jelicic in Brigham Young Park
                                              me, Ljubica, and Mirko at Church Office Building

                                        Ljubica, bust of President Thomas S. Monson, and Mirko

                               Debbie and Mirko at Old Bridge Cafe


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