18 Jun 2023, Sunday
18 Jun 2023, Sunday
Prioritized Daily Task
Father's Day
10:30 AM - Church, Abbington Memory Center
12 Noon - Lehi 7th Ward Sacrament Meeting
5:00 PM - Father's Day Dinner
Debbie and I had prayer. Mirko and Ljubica were out on the back patio. We Serbian Palačinke to which we added Nutella, fruit, almonds, maple syrup, and vanilla ice cream for breakfast. We cleaned the kitchen and got ready for church at Abbington Memory Center. Mirko helped pass the sacrament. The 12th Ward was responsible for the meeting. Bishop Price came with his family and some other members from their ward. His daughter is going into the MTC this Tuesday, the same day as Alex. She is going to Peru and has been learning Spanish. After church, we drove over to Jared's, and Debbie went in and gave him a Father's Day card. The children had friends over and Jared and Jami were rushing to get the children ready for church services. I drove Debbie, Mirko, and Ljubica to Lehi 7th Ward. I was asked to give the opening pray. After Sacrament, we attended Sunday School. We introduced Mirko and Ljubica to the ward. I met and talked to Brett Hatterrly. He is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He is into holistic medicine. I talked to him for a few minutes about body ph balance, alkaline water, and the whole vibrating machine. He offers alkaline water in his office and has a WVM for himself and his patients. Michael and Autumn sent Debbie and me a box of Crumble Cookies for Father's Day. Beth and Matthew called. Elain, my sister, called wishing me a happy Father's Day. I called and talked to Dan checking on Ora, my sister. She is holding her own but not doing well. Debbie and Ljubica cooked shepherd's pie, butterfly shrimp, homemade bread, etc. Ljubica made hop apple burek for dessert to which I added vanilla ice cream. Jared and Tylee came over and used the grill to cook stakes for their Father's Day dinner. We told stories, visited in the backyard, and had watermelon. We all had prayer together. Rae Lynn called and I talked to her, Ethan, and Luke. They were on their way back home from a volleyball tournament. Matthew, Melodie, Madeline, Bella, and Ava called and wished me a happy Father's Day. Matthew called on his way home and told me the girls were calling me and wanted to know if I was up. They all called when he got home. The girls told me what they and their mother, Melodie, did for Matthew to make the day special for him. I got to bed before 11:30 PM.
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