18 Jul 2023, Tuesday

 18 Jul 2023, Tuesday

Prioritized Daily Task

Call and make reservations for a cruise to British Isle Royal Caribbean Jun 11 - Jun 23, 2024

Plan a trip for 4 twelve-year-old grandchildren - Kristi Jensen

Visit Rexburg Idaho Temple

Mesa Springs Lower and Upper Falls

Big Springs, headwaters of Henry's Fork

Max Inn - Bald Sawtooth Peak 

Dinner at Sabar, Mexican Cafe at Island Park 

spend the night with Karlene and Joe L. in Shelly

We had a good night's sleep, had personal prayer, dressed, studied scriptures, and checked my email. Later when we were on the road Matthew called.  He had sent the documents I have been waiting for to send to Eric Fisher, Attorney in Atlanta.  We left the cabin in Swan Valley and drove up to Rexburg.  We took pictures at the Temple.  We next went to Mesa Lower Falls and then to Mesa Upper Falls.  It was beautiful but Big Springs, the headwaters of the Henry's Fork was filled with fish and wildlife. We took a picture of a moose and her two calves.  Big Springs is the name of a first-magnitude spring located in Island Park, Idaho in Fremont County. The spring produces over 120 million gallons of water each day. It is a primary source of the North Fork or Henrys Fork of the Snake River. The other major source is the Henry's Lake outlet.  We drove up to Max Inn and Debbie showed Mirko and Ljubica where her mother had an apartment.  It has since been sold.  We drove up to the summit of Sawtooth Peak and took pictures.  There was a wild goat we took a picture of.  We drove down to Island Park to Sabar across the river from the Marriott.  We had dinner and drove home.  I called Dan and checked on Ora today.  It has not been a good day for her.  She got very little sleep last night.  I talked to Matthew after I was able to open my computer and read his draft letters to Eric Fisher.  I sent him a couple of recommendations on his demand letter.  I also sent him the certificate changing the A&M Partnership to an LLC.   Debbie and I had prayer with Mirko and Ljubica before they went to bed.  Debbie and I had prayer; I stayed up to get the corrected email draft letters to the attorney in Atlanta.  I sent Kristi Jensen, Travel Agent, in Lehi who is on vacation in California with her family a copy of the Royal Caribbean Cruise for Debbie and me, June 11-23, 2024.  She is going to try and arrange air travel and a tour of Dublin and southern Ireland after the British Isle Cruise.  I also asked her to look at a special cruise for Debbie, 4 of our grandchildren, and me in January 2025.  I sent the email to Eric Fisher to review before sending it to Jani Morris Dunman and her son, Jimmy Morris.  I had my personal prayer and went to bed after 1:00 AM.

                                                            2 moose calves in Big Springs
                                       Mirko, Ljubica, and me

                                                 Mountain goat  
                                  Sawtooth Peak, near Island Park,  ID


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