31 Jul 2023, Monday

 31 Jul 2023, Monday

Prioritized Daily Task

Eric Brown's 42nd Birthday

Take any garbage collected over the weekend to the street

2:30 PM MDT - Phone conference with Eric Fisher, Matthew, and Michael

Emission Compliance SubaruVehicle Registration Reminder

*Note: This week's study of the scriptures is in the Book of Acts.  I was reading in the 26th chapter verses 25 and 26 where Paul is before King Agrippa.  It reminded me of a young Elder Boyd K. Packer nervous about an assignment and what President Harold B. Lee told him:  "When I was young and very new in my calling, I was sent east to meet with powerful, prominent officials who were blocking our work. As I left for the airport, I stopped to see President Harold B. Lee and asked, “Do you have any parting counsel?”                                                                                      “Yes,” he said, “just remember this isn’t 1830, and there aren’t just six of us.” 

I was up early and took the garbage and recycle containers to the street to be picked up by the city this morning.  I called the Lawn Doctor and they are coming out for a service tomorrow morning between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM.  Debbie cooked breakfast.  Michael got up early this morning and went to the gym.  When He got home I took him to the Provo Airport to catch his flight to Dallas.  I stopped on the way home and got the oil changed in the Sabura.  Matthew had his conference call meeting with two of his programmers and 6 of PCC, Point Click Care's managers, and officers at about noon today.  PointClickCare is a web-based electronic health record (EHR) and practice management solution for long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) organizations.  The meeting went well and at 1 PM he had a meeting with a company with about 600 nurses to finish bringing them on board using his software.  At 2:30 PM Michael, Matthew, and I had a Zoom meeting with Eric Fisher, Attorney in Atlanta about his meeting with Steven Cornelson, Attorney in Gainesville, and Jimmy Morris this Wednesday starting at 10:30 AM EST at Seven Cornelson's office.  I will be available for a Facetime meeting while he is in Gainesville auditing A&M Investments records.  Jared brought Tate and Max over and cut the grass.  I paid Tate $50 and he paid Max, his brother, $15.  I had prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for his blessings and guidance.  I studied this week's Come Follow Me lesson in Acts 22nd - 28th chapters.  Later Debbie put the DVD movie, Secretariat, on the big screen downstairs for all of us.  Matthew had to leave before it was over to have dinner with Grant and his family.  Later Debbie made dinner for the 4 of us, Mediterranean pizza, salad, and corn on the cob.  Later we had family prayer and Debbie and I had prayer together before going to bed.


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