16 Sep 2023, Saturday
16 Sep 2023, Saturday
Prioritized Daily Task
4:00 PM - Elders Quorum Event, 7th Ward, Meat & Skeet
Costco - 6 bags salt pellets
Adjust the amount of water put out by the Hydro-Rain Sprinklers by 25% (Check with Sprinkler distributors) Model #04080 (Budget switch is different from on the video)
I had prayer, showered, shaved, and worked on organizing "Notes" in my journal to be printed at the end of the year separate from my journal. Debbie went last night to the girls' homecoming high school football game. Today she went to Autrey football game south of Logan and Braddock's football game near home. Debbie got home and we drove over to Lehi 7th Ward building for a picnic. Debbie brought a salad. Afterward, we drove out to the landfill and gravel pit west of Saratoga Springs and shot skeet with 12, 16, and 20 gauge shotguns. When we got home we watched the last of the BYU and Arkansas college football game. BYU held off Arkansas to win 38 to 21. BYU is in the Pac 12 and Arkansas is in the SEC. Debbie and I had prayer together before going to bed.
Debbie shooting skeetMe shooting skeet at Saratoga Springs gravel pit
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