19 Sep 2023, Tuesday

 19 Sep 2023, Tuesday

Prioritized Daily Task.

Make reservations on Breeze Airlines for Oct. 6th to Orange CountyDeprt - Provo / Salt Lake City, UT at 7:30 a.m.                                                  Arrive at Orange County / Anaheim, CA  at 8:20 a.m. 

Pay Jodee Peak $550 for work done and to be done around the outside of the fence at the McAlpin Family Graveyard

 Note:  I ordered Dr. Richard Bushman's book "Rough Roling Stone" a definitive biography of Joseph Smith Jr. Richard L Bushman,  Columbia University, New York City, New York, Department of History, Gouverneur Morris Professor Emeritus of History, United States received his B.A. — Harvard College, 1955, M.A. — Harvard University, 1960, and Ph.D. — Harvard University, 1961 -  He was a deeply committed, faithful, testimony-bearing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Members of the Church questioned him, if he was losing his faith, didn't he believe in Brother Joseph any longer?  Scholars in the academic world question him, if he really believed these things, what documented evidence did he have?  He pulled out all the stops and took a lot of heat from both sides.                                                                                           To cut to the chase, you are a child of God whether you know it or not, and hopefully, you are a disciple of Jesus Christ

Larry Bul, called me this morning and gave me an update on Frank Powell.  He is out of the Carrollton Hospital and is in a Rehab center in Anniston, Alabama.  He has a Staphylococcus aureus, Staph bacteria infection, and is also on oxygen.  I tried to call Nora Husley but could not reach her to let her know about Frank, her neighbor.  There are not many of the children of the old timers at Pleasant Hill left.  Debbie and I had prayer and ate breakfast.  I got the Holiween and Thanksgiving decorations out from storage.  Debbie wants to get the pumpkin decorations for Kenna's shower.  The theme is "Little Pumpkin" for the new expected baby.  At 6 p.m. we went to Max's football game at Center Park in Orem.  I went to Costco before they closed and had my left front tire checked.  They found the tip of a screw that had broken and causing a very slow leak.  It is in the edge of the side wall and they are not allowed to repair it.  I got a quote on the same tires 225/60 R18, cross climate for $225,99 each and $903.96 plus tax for 4.  They are on sale and I get a $100 discount from Michigan Tire Company.  I made an appointment for Thursday the 21st at 2:00 p.m.  I picked up a few items from the grocery department and came home.  Jamie brought Debbie home after Max, her son's football game.  I helped Debbie set up the backyard for the children to make smores on the firepit.  Shelby, Nick, Libby and 3 of her friends came.  I listened to some Come Follow Me in the Book of Galatians, I ordered a biography of Joseph Smith, and rad some in Ora, my sister's, autobiography.  After Nick and Shelby left, the other children settled down, Debbie and I had prayer, before going to bed.


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