20 Sep 2023, Wednesday

 20 Sep 2023, Wednesday

Prioritized Daily Task

12 Noon - Debbie's appointment for Sinsus cat-scan

spray plants and flowers

Note:   The music of the gospel is the joyful spiritual feeling that comes from the Holy Ghost. It brings a change of heart.  An old Native American man with long braided hair came into the emergency room. The doctor approached the man, and asked, “How can I help you?” The old man looked straight ahead and said nothing. The young doctor, desiring to help this man, tried again. “I can't help you if you don’t speak to me,” he said. “Why have you come to the hospital?” The old man looked at him and asked, “Do you dance?” The doctor was puzzled by the strange question when it occurred to him that perhaps this man was a tribal medicine man who, according to ancient tribal customs, sought to heal the sick through song and dance rather than using some of the more modern medical practices. “No,” said the doctor, “I don’t dance. Do you dance?” The old man nodded yes.  Then the doctor looked at the man and asked, “Could you teach me to dance?” The old man’s response was thoughtful and inspires great reflection. “I can teach you to dance,” he said, “but you have to hear the music.”                                                                                                  The music breathes life into the movements. It gives them meaning and purpose. Somehow dancing makes you one with the music... like your body is producing the notes while at the same time, the notes are moving your body.

Sometimes in our homes, we successfully teach the dance steps but are not as successful in helping our family members to hear the music. And as the old medicine man well knew, it is hard to dance without music. Dancing without music is awkward and unfulfilling—even embarrassing.  (Elder Wilford W. Andersen Of the Seventy, The Music of the Gospel, General Conference April 2015 Saturday Afternoon Session, April 2015

Second thought from Debbie: Poem Pretty Ugly

I’m very ugly

So don’t try to convince me that

I am a very beautiful person

Because at the end of the day

I hate myself in every single way

And I’m not going to lie to myself by saying

There is beauty inside of me that matters

So rest assured I will remind myself

That I am a worthless, terrible person 

And nothing you say will make me believe 

I still deserve love

Because no matter what 

I am not good enough to be loved

And I am in no position to believe that

Beauty does exist within me

Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think

Am I as ugly as people say?


I am a child of God and God makes no junk!

Debbie turned the amount of water down by about 30% yesterday that goes to the plants and grass from our sprinkler system.  The days and nights are getting cooler and fall will be here soon with frost.  We had prayer together and I read Ora's Live Stories, her personal history.  I learned a lot of things, especially details, about her life and struggles with Multiple Sclerosis, M.S. that I did not know.  I called Elain and she answered the phone.  It was the first time I had talked to her since our sister's funeral.  She did all the talking and told me how bad and mean I had treated her.  She would not talk after that.  I sent her another text telling her that I was sorry but I am not cutting her out of my life.  She is my sister and always will be.  There are natural laws and consequences to not being patient, kind, gentle, and long-suffering.  I am reaping those fruits from my actions with Elain, my sister.  Debbie took Libby shopping and bought a violin and case.  Jody brought Debbie home and she washed and dried clothes.  I studied scriptures We had prayer together before going to bed.


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