17 Oct 2023, Tuesday

 17 Oct 2023, Tuesday

Prioritized Daily Task

8:00 a.m. - Matt takes Madeline 6th grade, Bella 5th grade, and Ava 

10:00 am - ride with Matt and Melodie Pacific Ridge School at 6269 El Fuerte St, Carlsbad, CA 92009, a private school.

Pacific Ridge or PRS, is an independent co-educational college preparatory school for students in grades 6–12. The private school is located in the Bressi Ranch community of Carlsbad, a coastal resort town located in North San Diego County, California. 

Debbie and I had prayer; I rode with Matthew to take Madeline, Bella, and Ava to Double Peeks School this morning.  We came home and picked Memodie up and rode over to PRS to check it out for Bella next year.  Bella will be in the 6th grade next year.  I sent Alex all of our itineraries for the Royal Caribbean Cruise May 5-12 with our flights and transfers from the airport to the dock in Port Canervial and back on May 12th.   Later when the girls got home Melodie took Madeline and Ava to their after-school activities and I took Bella down the mountain to Starbucks to get a fancy milkshake (no coffee) and cookie.  Matthew picked us up.  When we got home I exercised on some of Matthew's equipment at the house while he went to play tennis.  I stayed home with Bella while Melodie took Madeline and Ave to some of their activities.  Melodie cooked dinner and I ate with her and the girls.  Afterward, I started cleaning the dishes, pots, pan, etc. and Melodie finished.  I talked to Brad Gale, PA about supplements for trimmers.  He has a patient who is using some supplements that is helping.  Brad did not give me the names of the supplements that he is now taking but said they are helping.  He gave me the name of Steve Bybee and his phone number (435-512-3173) to contact.  I talked to Debbie.  She was on her way back from Rexburg with Karlene.  They had been to one of Karlene's grandson's football game.  


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