18 Oct 2023, Wednesday

18 Oct 2023, Wednesday

Prioritized Daily Task

Studied 1st and 2nd Thessalonians 

Check with Lori Lynn to see if she is free and wants to go to Peru when Debbie and I are there?

Note:  You will never make a good impression on other people until you stop thinking about what sort of impression you are making. Nothing you have not given away will really be yours.  Nothing in you that has not died will ever be risen from the dead.  Look out for yourself and you will in the long run find only hatred, loneness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him, everything else thrown in. C.S. Lewis, wrote at the end of the book, the conclusion "Mere Christianity" 

I was up early and had prayer; texted Debbie, and she was in the temple doing initiatories.  I studied scriptures, Matthew took the girls to school, and later worked in the casita.  Melodie took Ava to the doctor for her annual physical.  I went with Matt to pick up Bella, Madeline, and a friend up from Double Peek School.  Matthew had them make a unanimous decision about where they wanted. to go for a treat.  We got ice cream with toppings they put on.  We got home; Matthew, Melodie, Bella, and Ava put up halloween decorations.   I read and later Matt had a meeting with one of his new clients with 600 nurses.  Melodie and her mother, Vickie, went to a concert tonight.  I went with Matthew to take the girls, Ava, Bella, Madeline, and one of Madeline's friends to Chick-fil-A's for dinner.  We took Madeline's friend home and when we got home Matthew had the girls pick up things in their room for the house cleaner who are coming tomorrow.  I showered and started packing to leave tomorrow.  I tried to call Autumn; she was at a school board meeting and we texted.  I sent her my schedule for Nov. 16th.  I talked to Lori Lynn.  I had invited her to go with the family to Machu Picchu.  I had to tell her that Debbie and are the only two that can go over Thanksgiving.  She said she still plans to go and. asked if she could invite a friend.  She was down at Matthew and Melodie's and they said she is very nice.  She teaches school and has talked to Lori Lynn about going on a trip.  I talked to Debbie when on her way home.  She has been sick, and throwing up.  She called me while I was at Chick-fil-A and texted me when she got home.  Matthew is lying down with Bella until Melodie gets home.  I studied and had prayer before going to bed before 10:30 a.m.


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