23 Oct 2023, Monday

 23 Oct 2023, Monday

Prioritized Daily Task

Ryan Reynolds birthday

1:00 p.m. meeting with Eric, Attorney in Atlanta, and Michael & Matthew

Note: The plans for City of Zion that Joseph Smith laid out for Kirtland was unusual.  The house lots were set at right angles on alternate blocks.  The most unusual aspect was the three public squares at the center with twenty-four temples, twelve on each block.  The temples would serve as houses of worship, schools, etc.  The temples were grouped into threes and assigned to priesthood quorums.  

The American landscape dispersed religious energy widely through the society into thousands of churches.    Joseph’s city plat concentrated holiness in one place, in a sacred city and its temple, where religion absorbed everything.  Converts across the globe would be attracted to its central point to acquire knowledge and be empowered in the temple.

Only in the New World could such a scheme have been conceived, much less carried out.  

The city, the temple, and the world, existed in a dynamic relationship.    

Neither commerce nor civil government was given architectural form in the City of Zion.  Everything was subsumed under priesthood quorums, which presumably absorbed all other institutions.  The plan specified that “Underneath must be written on each House-Holiness To The Lord.” Plat of the City of Zion June 1833; Kirtland High Council Minutes, June 24, 1833

The unusual temple names transformed a standard plat into a plan for a holy city.  Speaking of the United States as a whole Garry Willis noted, “there is no more defining note to our history than the total absence of sacred city in our myths.”  ‘The only exception, he noted, “is the Mormons”.  

    Joseph Smith Rough Stone Rolling, A cultural biography of Mormonism's founder, Richard Lyman Bushman

 I added the note today to my journal because of the thought of the New Jesurelam that will exist on the Earth during the millennium.  I had never thought about there not being a need for courthouses, jails, etc. in a city where Christ rules and reigns. 

Beth was up and took the dog, Charlie, for a walk; I had my personal prayer, folded the bed back into the couch, and helped Andrew put up his mattress he slept on.  Beth got the children breakfast and off to school.  I called and had prayer with Debbie.  I sent Ryan a happy birthday text to Blake to give to Ryan because I did not have a phone number for him.  I talked to Debbie who wanted to spray the roses for aphids.  I walked her through mixing the chemicals I use to spray and where I keep the chemicals and the spray bottles.  I talked to Michael and Matthew before our conference call with Eric Fisher, Attorney in Atlanta.  In our meeting, we decided to send a letter to Steven Cornelison, Janie Moris Dunman's attorney, and Nancy Abercrombie's family that since we can't reach an agreement we will just continue as we have in the past but request some basic standard changes to bring it more in line with the standard LLC in Georgia code. Such as annual audited financials, and annual corporate meetings, with agendas and an individual other than the manager to keep minutes.  Also reinstate the first right of refusal to purchase any of the assets of A&M Investments by any of the members, Janie, Nancy, or me.  I read and later picked Tucker up from school and let him drive back home.  He has his driver's license.   Beth got home and cooked dinner.  I called and talked to Debbie. We had prayer together.  Later I read, had personal prayer, and got to bed a little after 11 p.m.


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