19 Dec 2023, Tuesday

 19 Dec 2023, Tuesday

Prioritized Daily Task 

Park City Ski Resort

Avery Robinson called me this morning.  She wanted to be sure I had a copy of her Grandma Ora's life history she wrote.  I suggested she purchase some extra copies for Palmer, Lela Ruth, and other nieces, nephews, and her own children and grandchildren.  I had my personal prayer, showered, shaved, and talked to Debbie before we loaded both SUVs and drove up to Park City.  I helped Matthew and the girls, Melodie, Madeline, Bella, and Ava with their skis, boots, poles, etc.  They had ski passes and skied most of the day.  Ava was the first to call it quits.  She came into the lodge and joined Vickie and me.  I bought her a cheese pizza and root beer.  I shared the food I bought, chicken tenders, french fries, chile, etc. with everyone.  Melodie shared the food she brought from the cabin.   After the resort closed I helped Ava get back with Matt and Melodie at the SUV.  I took everyone's boots, poles, skis, helmets, gloves, etc. back to the cabin.  They stopped for some hot chocolate on the way back.  I drove to Riverton High School and met Debbie.  We listened to Camdon, Pat and Anndalyn's son, perform with the choir.  Randy Hobbs and his wife, Carol, were there.   Lyndan, Anndalyn's mother, was there.  We are distantly related.  Her deceased husband's younger brother, Ron Cheney, has moved here from Georgia.  I knew him from the church in Atlanta when I was living in Rome.  We got home.  Jared and Porter came by.  Porter is coaching 15-year-olds at the highschool in basketball.   Debbie and I had prayer together before going to bed about midnight. 


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