31 Dec 2023, Sunday

 31 Dec 2023, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task 

Debbie's 72nd Birthday

Laura and George's today for New Years and Birthday party

31 Dec 2023, Sunday

Debbie’s 72nd Birthday

NOTE:  There is an old saying “a dull pencil is sharper than the brightest mind” by Mark Twain.  

You jump out of an airplane at 10,000 ft. and are told when and how to pull the ripcord for the parachute to open.  But enjoying your freedom, you are thrilled with this new and exciting feeling of freefall flying.  You ignore the instructions you have been given.  There are natural consequences to your actions.  

Another situation, you are the pilot in a jet fighter plane and an engine catches on fire, the eject button starts flashing but you are confused thinking you can put out the fire and are convinced you can land the plane safely.  You ignore the warning signal.   There are consequences to your actions.

“We cannot set off on a wrong course without first overruling a warning.” President Boyd K. Packer

We all come to the earth with a new wonderful body and experience feelings, sensations, desires, appetites, and passions that we never knew before.  

This time on earth is a time given to us to prepare for eternity in learning to control our desires, appetites, and passions.  Bringing the body in subjection to the spirit is necessary if we are to accomplish the purposes we came to this earth for.  You have heard this called self-discipline.  

Stay away from places and from situations where you know there are drugs and alcohol.  You cannot go into a coal cellar with white clothes without getting black coal dust on you.  If you somehow find yourself in such a situation, do as the young man, Joseph, in Egypt did, he left his cloak in the hands of Potiphar’s wife and ran.  Even if you are thrown in prison falsely; always do what is right.  

Lust and desire for sex is like a raging river of fire.  If it is not banked and cooled it will consume you.  Sex when properly used in the bonds of matrimony is God’s plan for providing His spirit children with physical bodies and the chance to enjoy eternal families.  Sex when improperly used is the Devil’s plan  to thwart the Lord’s work and lead God’s children down that broad road to eternal d———— and destruction.  Satan wants you to use your free agency to do what feels good to you at the moment, unbridle your desires, appetites, and passions; ignore all the warning signs until it is too late, and the Devil binds you down with his chains, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die, attitude.

 It has been said, to get to the truth, “Follow the Money”.  It is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President’s Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties.    This can be used in a religious sense as well.                                   

Jesus taught, “You can judge a tree by the fruit it bears” Matthew 7:15-20                                                                             

There has been a lot said and written about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the same as there was about the Church in the meridian of time.  Leaders and followers of Christ Church in the meridian of time as well as those in Latter-days have made great personal sacrifices.  They have taught principles that have not always been pleasing to the masses.  The prophets in both periods of time have taught the people to love God, love their wives and their children, their friends and their enemies; to control their appetites, and bridle their passions.   In real-life situations, these leaders without financial gain, but with personal sacrifice have acted out of conviction and love.  It has cost many of them their lives.  Let’s examine just a few, Christ who is at the top was mocked, scourged, and crucified.  James the brother of John was kill with a sword, Stephen was stoned to death, and many early Christians were persecuted and killed because they would not deny what they knew was true.  There were many who did not believe the things being taught by the apostles and prophets.  They did not believe these men talked with God.  Some who did not believe were willing to make it financially worthwhile to those who did believe to deny what they knew to be true.  Judas succumbed to this and betrayed Christ. The soldiers that were guarding the tomb the night Christ arose accepted money to deny what they had seen and knew was the truth.  

        Persecution seemed to fuel the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Joseph Smith would not deny that he had seen Christ and God, that he had talked with them, or that an angel named Moroni had shown him where ancient gold plates were buried that he translated into what is called the Book of Mormon.  Joseph Smith was beaten, persecuted, tired and feathered, driven from town to town, and eventually, he and his brother, Hyrum, were killed.  There were 11 other men who saw and handled the gold plates, three of whom saw a heavenly angel and heard the voice of God declaring the work to be true.  For this they were severely persecuted, some of these men left the Church, but not one ever denied their testimony of the Book of Mormon and what they had seen and heard.  What motivated them?  It was a fire burning in their bones and their heart, there was no financial compensation for this, in fact, it was just the opposite; it cost some of them their homes and their lives.  There was an extermination order for any Mormon found in Missouri who would not deny what they knew to be true, that God lives, and Joseph Smith saw and talked with God.  The persecution was intense, yet the Church grew in numbers and faith increased.  As it was with the earlier Church of Christ, there were many who would willingly pay to stop the work.  Saul who became the Apostle Paul killed and persecuted the early members of the Church of Christ. Why should we expect it to be any different today?  There is a lot of money and recognition to be had for those who can get members to say, they were duped into believing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.

You can judge a tree by the fruit it bears.   Does it bear the fruit of charity, meekness, and long-suffering, does it teach love, patience, and tolerance?   Is anyone getting rich for bringing members into the Church?  What is motivating its leaders?  Their leaders are not perfect, they make mistakes.  There was only one perfect leader, and that was Jesus Christ.  The early apostles used the scriptures and teachings of ancient prophets to teach and edify the saints.  Today apostles and prophets use the scriptures and teachings of earlier apostles and prophets to teach and edify the saints.  Are these apostles and prophets perfect, Mormon wrote in the third to the last book in the Book of Mormon, “Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been. (Mormon 9:31)

What motivates others to try and draw away members from the Church of Jesus Christ?  Is it financial, is it recognition, praise or something else?  If that motivation were taken away, what would they do? 

Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian Author met with Andrew D. White in March of 1894, while White was President of Cornell University.  Tolstoy began by asking White to tell him of his American religion. White explained that there was no such thing, but Tolstoy persisted, saying, “ ‘I know all of this, but I want to know about the American religion. Catholicism originated in Rome; the Episcopal Church originated in England; the Lutheran Church in Germany, but the Church to which I refer originated in America, and is commonly known as the Mormon Church. What can you tell me of the teachings of the Mormons?’

 ”‘Well,’ said Dr. White ‘I know very little concerning them. They have an unsavory reputation, they practice polygamy, and are very superstitious.’      “Then Count Leo Tolstoy, in his honest and stern, but lovable manner, rebuked the ambassador. ‘Dr. White, I am greatly surprised and disappointed that a man of your great learning and position should be so ignorant on this important subject. The Mormon people teach the American religion; their principles teach the people not only of Heaven and its attendant glories but also how to live so that their social and economic relations with each other are placed on a sound basis. If the people follow the teachings of this Church, nothing can stop their progress — it will be limitless. There have been great movements started in the past but they have died or been modified before they reached maturity. If Mormonism is able to endure, unmodified, until it reaches the third and fourth generation, it is destined to become the greatest power the world has ever known.’ ”  Improvement Era in February 1939 

I hope we do not judge those who are not members of the Church wrongly.  There are many good honest men and women in all Christian denominations, as well as Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and other people who believe in God.  Your Uncle Dan Truitt is a follower of Christ who truly believes in God.  He loves and gives of himself serving others.  Even some atheists love and serve others.  Voltaire, the French Philosopher, wrote, “If God did not exist, then man would invent him.”  Voltaire, a renowned atheist, basically said that man is born with a need for God. There are many in all faiths that are not faking it, their love for God and their fellow man is unfeigned; they serve and give of their time, and minister to those in need.  God loves all His children even the atheist, but not always what they do.  We need to follow the example of Christ, love God, and love one another; not judge them, let God do that.

***Richard L. Bushman, Rough Rolling Stone (19 Sep 2023)

I want to be more like Christ, filled with charity, not only for my sake but also for yours.  I hope you will liken the scriptures to yourselves as I try to do.  I like Mormon know that I am not perfect yet, and like Nephi writing in his journal, “For we (I) labor diligently to write, to persuade our (my) children, and also our (my) brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for (I) we know that it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do.” 2 Nephi 25:23 

You can see angles and hear the voice of God, see the sick healed, even see the dead raised to life, and be convinced that God lives.  Yet you have much more than this that testifies of God; just look at yourself and with your eyes, see the earth, the stars, and all of God’s creation and if you don’t believe you will not believe even if see angles and hear the voice of God, see the sick healed, and the dead being raised to life and they come and visit with you.  Paul said this well in his first letter to the church at Corinth, chapter 2, verse 11, “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. [12] Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.  A spiritual testimony is what I want all my family and everyone to have.  At first, I was very doubtful and thought the story of Joseph Smith, angels, and a gold book was something akin to fairytales. I was given signs that many people do not have but they did not convert me.  But they did get my attention.  It was not until being taught the plan of salvation in the fifth discussion in March 1966 that I heard for the first time in this life, “As man is, God once was, as God is, man may become”.  A mighty change came upon me.  I knew that this was true; I had always known it was true.  No man on his own had come up with this truth.  It had always been before me in all nature.  I had never related that as a baby grows into a child, then grows to become a parent as is his or her father or mother.  I wanted to tell everyone this truth I had just learned.  I could not imagine anyone not believing and wanting to know that we can become like our Heavenly Father.  That is what Paul was talking about, IT WAS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD THAT I KNEW THIS.

Testimonies are fragile and must be nourished by the good word of God.  You can have an intellectual testimony that comes from the world, ¬¬but without the Holy Spirit and building your life on the Rock of Christ you cannot stand …….when the Devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. Helaman 5:12. 

I think this is the main reason I am keeping a journal. I want my family and all I love, to know, God lives, Jesus Christ is His Son; that He stands at the Head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I want everyone to come unto Christ meekly and filled with love for Him.

     All the spirit children of God have come to this earth to gain physical bodies and be tested.   Some of those we know who provided tests were, Sherem, Nehor, and Korihor.   They were deceived and then used by Satan to deceive others.   God has sent others to balance out their words, Isaiah, Samuel the Lamanite, the Apostle Paul, the Prophet Joseph Smith and prophets today; and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

*Sherem: Jacob 7: 4 And he was learned, that he had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore, he could use much flattery, and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil.

*Nehor: Alma 1: 5 And it came to pass that he did teach these things so much that many did believe on his words, even so many that they began to support him and give him money.

*Korihor:  Alma 30: 14 Behold, these things which ye call prophecies, which ye say are handed down by holy prophets, behold, they are foolish traditions of your fathers…………… 15. How do ye know of their surety? Behold, ye cannot know of things which ye do not see;………16.…… But behold, it is the effect of a frenzied mind; and this derangement of your minds comes because of the traditions of your fathers, which lead you away into a belief of things which are not so.  24. Ye say that this people is a free people. Behold, I say they are in bondage. Ye say that those ancient prophecies are true. Behold, I say that ye do not know that they are true. 27. And thus ye lead away this people after the foolish traditions of your fathers, and according to your own desires; and ye keep them down, even as it were in bondage, that ye may glut yourselves with the labors of their hands, that they durst not look up with boldness, and that they durst not enjoy their rights and privileges.                                            They took Korihor to Alma, the prophet. 32 Now Alma said unto him: Thou knowest that we do not glut ourselves upon the labors of this people; for behold I have labored even from the commencement of the reign of the judges until now, with mine own hands for my support, notwithstanding my many travels round about the land to declare the word of God 

unto my people.  33. And notwithstanding the many labors which I have performed in the church, I have never received so much as even one senine for my labor; neither has any of my brethren, save it were in the judgment-seat; and then we have received only according to law for our time. 34. And now, if we do not receive anything for our labors in the church, what doth it profit us to labor in the church save it were to declare the truth, that we may have rejoicings in the joy of our brethren? 

*Samuel: Helaman:13: 27 But behold, if a man shall come among you and shall say: Do this, and there is no iniquity; do that and ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say: Walk after the pride of your own hearts; yea, walk after the pride of your eyes, and do whatsoever your heart desireth—and if a man shall come among you and say this, ye will receive him, and say that he is a prophet. 28 Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye will give unto him of your substance; ye will give unto him of your gold, and of your silver, and ye will clothe him with costly apparel; and because he speaketh flattering words unto you, and he saith that all is well, then ye will not find fault with him. 

*Saul, who later became the Apostle Paul had persecuted the member of the Church of Christ, wrote to the members of the Church in Thessaloniki.         2 Thessalonians 2: 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;    4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

*Christ said, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matthew 24: 24 

*Isaiah who was quoted more by Christ than any other Old Testament Prophet, saw the coming of Christ, our day, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon as did Ezekiel.  (Isaiah 29, Ezekiel 37).  The Lord wants you to get wisdom, but he also wants you to get understanding and not be deceived.

If things sometimes seem confusing and you can’t connect all the dots, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.  In time you will have a better understanding if you study, pray, and keep the commandments of God.  You will see more clearly and have a better understanding of God’s plan for ALL His children.  

You are not an island to yourself.  What you think, say, and do affects others you have influence.  As a twig is bent, so a tree grows; so, it with a child. You cannot go back and redo life.  Once a day passes you are not able to turn the hands of time back and relive a single minute of a day that has passed.                             

We love you, 

Your, husband, your father, grandfather, great-grandfather, your brother, uncle, cousin, and your friend 

Your wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, your sister, aunt, cousin, and your friend

I was up at about 7 a.m., had my personal prayer, and let Debbie sleep a little longer.  I wrote her a love happy birthday letter (card) and after she got up I slipped a card under her pillow for a stretch lab session.  I sent her a Happy Birthday text on a thread to all the children and their spouses.  I showered, shaved, and got ready for church while Debbie took a crock pot over to Laura's.  When Debbie got home she set out breakfast for everyone.  Matthew came by after dropping Melodie, Madeline, Bella, and Ava off at the airport.  He brought Krispy Kream donuts for Debbie for her birthday before going back up to the cabin in Heber where their friends were who came up from Dan Diago.  Abbey went with me and Debbie to Abbington Memory Center to help with church services there today.  The Lehi 12th Ward provided priesthood and music.  Brother Smith, his wife and 3 of his children with the Brother Price, the Bishop's teenage son made it possible to have the sacrament and church services.  Sister Smith is from Pohnpei Island near Guam.  After church services and everything was put back in place we came home.  Clara, Ellie, Abbey, Kylie, and her friend Casey all went the the 7th Ward services at 12 noon with me.  Debbie stayed home to watch Grayson.  We attended Sacrament and 5th Sunday instructions as directed by Bishop Yates.  After church Abby, Elley, Kylei, and Casey rode home with me.  Cooper and Kendra had come and picked Grayson up.  Ryan, Stephanie, Mackay, Libby, and drew were at the house with Debbie.  We changed clothes and drove over to George and Laura to spend the day.  We visited, ate, watched football games on TV, played games,  we celebrated Debbie's 72nd birthday with cake and song, took pictures, packed the SUV and took Tate home.  Tate's family all came over and spent time except for his dad, Jared, and older brother, Porter, who are sick with Covid or flue.  We brought Abbey and Ellie home. Ryan, Stephanie, Carter, Mackay, Drew,  Kylie and her boyfriend Casey, came home earlier.  We left the front door unlocked for them.  We unpacked the car and got the mail from the mailbox.  Everyone went to bed, most earlier, Debbie and I had prayer and got to bed after 2 a.m.


                                       Debbie's 72nd Birthday

                                                 Head, shoulders, knees, toes, and cup game
blowing balls off the plastic cups game

                  Blindfolded scooping up cotton balls  game

                         Hooking the candy cane with no hands game


                                                                                           Bringing in the 2024 New Years


                                              Emilie Traveller watching New Year 2024 on TV


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