
Showing posts from March, 2023

31 Mar 2023, Friday

 31 Mar 2023,  Friday Priorit ized Daily Task Max Hobbs' 9th Birthday Daniel Kelly's 21st Birthday Call Jordan Radman, mobile 801-455-7145, or WF Engineering, 801-972-3244 about Jelicics visiting when they are here Debbie was up early and went to the Legacy Center for her aerobic workout class.  When she got home we had prayer.  Matthew and Bella did not leave until about 8 AM.  Dustin (409-617-4403), Independent Appraiser contracted with Liberty Mutual Adjustor at Beaumont, TX, came this morning and is doing an appraisal of the cost of repairing the damage from the water from the overflowed commode.  Tyler Traveller came and brought 3 Kohler commodes, 3 wax rings, and 3 flexible water lines.  Later Tyler had a couple of plumbers come and install the 3 commodes.  I went to Best Buy and took back a part Matthew bought.  We already had an extra one.  I went to Costco and bought a couple of chargers for the theater room downstairs....

30 Mar 2023, Thursday

 30 Mar 2023, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task Send Matt McCleary, CPA the K-1 from TGI Acquisition Company for Debbie Legacy Center Debbie was up early.  Jack came over and Debbie fixed breakfast.  He did not like the chocolate chip pancakes but Bella had them with Nutella.  Matthew and Bella went skiing today at Park City.  Today is their last day skiing.  They are going back home to San Marcos tomorrow.  Debbie took Jack to school at 12:30 PM and then went to get her nails and toenails done.  I went to the Legacy Center.  I climbed the stair stepper for 30 minutes and walked for 30 minutes.  When I got home Ryan Sobieski, project manager with Servpro came by the house to measure the area that needs repairing.  He is going to send an estimate to Liberty Mutual and us a copy.  I called Dustin at 409-617-4403, Indipident Appraiser contracted with Liberty Mutual Adjustor at Beaumont, TX.  There was no answer; I left a ...

29 Mar 2023, Wednesday

 29 Mar 2023, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task 7:00 PM - dinner at Tucanos Brazilian Restaurant next to the University Mall in Orem/Provo. (Gavin, Delanie Moody, Lori Lynn and Luke Lively, Michael, Matthew, Bella, Alex and Jake, and some others who are friends of the grandchildren) Debbie was up early this morning and went to her aerobic class.  She got home and cooked french toast for breakfast for Matthew and Bella.  She and I had prayer after Matthew and Bella left to go skiing at Park City.  Debbie and I had oatmeal and homemade bread toasted for breakfast.  Later Debbie went grocery shopping and I read scriptures and studied before going to the Legacy Center to walk and exercise.  A representative from   Servpro, 801-785-5228, came by the house and picked up the last dehumidifier and heater fan downstairs.  He is sending in his report that their work is completed and someone will contact us about starting the restoration work.  Lau...

28 Mar 2023, Tuesday

 28 Mar 2023,  Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task 9:00 AM - Zoom with Mirko, Ljubinca, and Bojana Jelicic in Serbia Debbie was up early, Matthew went to work, Bella slept in,  Debbie and I had prayer, and at 9:00 AM Debbie and I Zoomed with Mirko, Ljubica, and Bojana.  We talked to them about plans for when they come to visit.  We talked about people and places to see and visiting contacts for possibilities for Bojana to work in the field of psychology.  We Zoomed until about 9:45 AM.  Bella was up and talking with friends on the phone.  She was not hungry and not ready to eat. I received an email from Jeff Stephens, CPA this morning.   He sent my K-1 and I forwarded it on to Matt McCleary CPA who is doing our 2022 taxes this year.  I tried calling Jordan Radman at WF Engineering 925 S. 4400 W., SLC.  Jordan's father Ivan Radman started the company and befriended the Jelicics when they first came to America.  Jordan is o...

27 Mar 2023, Monday

 27 Mar 2023,  Monday Priorit ized Daily Task Jody Traveller starts radiation treatments and ends at the end of April   (801-205-5548 920 call  Kristina Veenker at Thrive Nursery about the espalier pear tree ordered last year. (she said it is scheduled to be here April 10th to 14th.) Anthony All-Hour Plumbing (801-515-0677)  will be out here today to give us a price on repairing the Gerber Commode in the master bathroom Send Michael a copy of the appraisals for the 40 acres in Cleveland and Floyd Nursing home in Rome, GA. Call  Servpro, 801-785-5228, about picking up the dehumidifier and heater fans.  It will be sometime between noon and 1 PM.   Ryan will be in touch with us regarding the restoration.  ( Liberty Mutual Claim Number   052933613 )  *Note: African Americans before 1978 who joined the Church were often asked, why would you join that church; you can't hold the Priesthood?  Some African Americans respo...

26 Mar 2023, Sunday

26 Mar 2023, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task Today is Fast Sunday 10:30 AM - Church services at Abbington Memory Center 12:00 Noon - Lehi 7th Ward fast and testimony meeting Note: A Paradox: Man is nothing compared to God, but to God, man is everything. Moses 1:3,5,10,39  I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name; for I am without beginning of days or end of years; no man can behold all my works... and no man can behold all my glory....Moses was permitted to see this one thing, the Lord said,  I show unto thee, Moses, my son, for thou art in the world, and now I show it unto thee..... And it came to pass that Moses looked, and beheld the world upon which he was created; and Moses beheld the world and the ends thereof, and all the children of men which are, and which were created; of the same he greatly marveled and wondered.......Moses said, now, for this cause, I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed.....God said, behold, this is my...

25 Mar 2023, Saturday

 25 Mar 2023, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task Beth McAlpin Davis' 43rd Birthday  12 Noon - Matthew and Bella arrive from San Marcos I had prayer, shaved, studied scriptures, and ate breakfast.  I called and wished Beth a happy birthday.  Tucker, Maggie, and Andrew are flying up to J.C.'s, their dad's next week. Matthew and Bella arrived about Noon.  They spent the day and then Matt took Bella to a party she was invited to by Brad's, Matt's friend from BYU, daughters.  Afterward, they went up to the cabin to spend the night.  Matthew received to appraisal for the Floyd Nursing Home that Carol Reynolds did.  She has not finished Gateway's.  Debbie sent an email letter to Palace Resorts asking for the money back she has paid and to cancel her contract.  I read scriptures and had my personal prayer before going to bed.  Elain called and sent a picture of her grandson, Olin Reynolds.              ...

24 Mar 2023, Friday

24 Mar 2023, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task Tommy McKinney's birthday 10AM - All-Hour Plumbing Debbie was up early this morning and worked on her letter to Palace Resorts and did not go to her aerobic class.  Our bedroom is tight with things moved away from the bathroom wall for the removal of the pad and for the carpet to dry.  Debbie and I had prayer together and I read her letter to Palace Resorts.  She and Jody went to check on housing etc. for Shelby and Libby.  They also took some things they purchase for Shirley Hobbs at the assisted living home she needed.  I read scriptures before Anthony from All-Hour Plumbing (801-515-0677) came by.  Later after lunch Josh, Field Techician from Solar Company and check and take pictures of the atic, breaker boxes, meter, and outside of house,

23 Mar 2023, Thursday

23 Mar 2023, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task Legacy Center - walk and exercise 1:30 PM - dentist appointment with Dr. Dennis Blume, DDS to fill a tooth with a crown 2:45 PM - Josh and Shawn from Survpro started work on water damaged part of the home 5:00 PM - Rual, plumber, replace parts in 3 commodes Note:  There are cycles in our lives.  It takes broken clouds to nourish the earth.  It takes broken earth to grow grain.  It takes broken grain to make bread.  It takes broken bread to nourish us.  These are the cycles of life. The thing that God loves most is a broken heart and contrite spirit.  Debbie and I had prayer together.  Jody and the girls are still sleeping downstairs.  I went to the Legacy Center to walk and exercise.  When I left I picked up the shoes I dropped off at the shoe shop on Main Street here in Lehi.  When I got home the girls were gone.  I got a call from Matt while I was at the Legacy Center.  ...

22 Mar 2023, Wednesday

 22 Mar 2023, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task 9:00 AM Debbie's hair appointment 1:30 PM - Dustin Cook, with Servpro, 801-785-5228, mobile 801-885-1564 address 967 W 240 N,   Lindon UT 84042. email Note: Email from Jimmy Morris on 2 July 2019:  The maturity date (which is also when it should be paid off at current payments) is 03/03/2023.   *Note,  This morning while I was studying the scriptures and listening to Jared Halverson,  I  learned some powerful insights into the Parable of the Sower: – Matthew 13:3-8,23; Mark 4:4-8,20; and Luke 8:5,8 A sower went out to sowe. Some of the seeds fell by the wayside, some fell on stony ground with little dirt and could not send roots down to reach the living water, some seeds fell in thorny ground and the thorns (cares of the world) sapped its strength.  Some seeds fell on good ground and brought forth fruit, a 100 fold, some 60 fold, and some 30 fold, depending...

21 Mar 2023, Tuesday

 21 Mar 2023, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task 9:00 AM - Call Palace Resort with Debbie (send email required) 1:00 PM - Mt. Timpanogos endowment appointment Debbie and I had prayer and called customer service at Palace Resorts.  We were told we will have to send an email to  It needs to come from the email they have on file,  She sent an  updated itinerary to Mirko, Ljubica, and Boyana Jelicic for June - September.     Jody called, she starts her radiation treatments for her breast cancer next Monday.  Laura Gourley came by and helped get Easter decorations off the shelf in. the garage.  I read and studied scriptures in the book of John in the New Testament.  We were late getting to our appointment at 1 PM in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and attended the 1:30 PM endowment session.  We got home and I walked down to the mailbox, picked up the mail, and brought the Land ...

20 Mar 2023, Monday

20 Mar 2023, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task Jody, Tony, and family may be spending the night 1:00 PM - Curtis with Solar power company meeting us at home 2:30 PM - Dentist appointment,3082 W Maple Loop Dr, Lehi, UT.Phone - 385-422-3300 Note: The Church of Jesus Christ has always been built on the concept of unity and even today it not only needs it but demands it.  Christ's ultimate preparation in preparing the disciples and all of us to overcome Satan was instituting the sacrament at the Passover, and the Atonement.  As Christ told Peter, "Satan desires to sift you but I have prayed for you and all of us who believe, that our faith will be strong and Satan cannot overthrow us, that we may be one as he and the Father are one." (Luke 22:31,32 and John 17:20,21). Christ said a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as have loved you. John 13:34 Debbie was up early this morning and took the trash container to the street.  I go up at 5:30 AM and she was gon...

19 Mar 2023, Sunday

19 Mar 2023, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task Michael McAlpin 47th Birthday 10:00 AM - Stake Conference, President  Jason Needles, presiding  Debbie and I slept in, had prayer, showered, and shaved.  I texted Michael a happy birthday wish on a thread to all the family.  We got ready and went to church early to get a seat in the chapel.   The meeting was very special with music and speakers.  The choir was accompanied by sisters playing the harp, flute, piano, organ, etc.   The concluding speaker President Jason Needles told some incredible stories and quoted a poem by  Edgar A. Guest, Sermons We See.                                                                                           * Note  "I'd rather ...

18 Mar 2023, Saturday

18 Mar 2023, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task Gateway Stake Conference Debbie and I had prayer together.  She is taking some of the smaller grandchildren to a children's program in the center of Salt Lake City across from the Temple.  I studied scriptures and answered emails. I called and checked on Ora and Dan today.  Ora is doing much better.  She is getting up and down the steps in their home since Dan put a short 2x8 board on part of each step.  She also went for a ride in the car today. Debbie and I dove up to Logan and took Abbie Hobbs to dinner for her 16th birthday which is coming up this Wednesday.  We had a nice visit with her and all her family.  We got home and watched a little TV, read and listened to some New Testament scriptures, and had prayer before going to bed.

17 Mar 2023, Friday

17 Mar 2023, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task 10:00 AM Doctor Conrad, Dr. Wendall Gibby's son, at Blue Rock Medical, 3152 N University Ave, Provo, UT 84604, and his phone number is 801-229-2022.   Debbie was up early and went to the Legacy Center for her aerobic class.  When she got home we had prayer together and ate breakfast while listening to Tom Pettet, Comme Follow Me, Matthew 11, 12, and Luke 11.  At 10:00 AM Debbie and I drove to Blue Rock Medical in Provo and met with Dr. Conrad Gibby.  Humana supplementary Social Security Insurance finally approved the Vertebroplasty procedure to repair my T-12 Vertebra.  He went over the pros and cons to having the procedure done.  Three weeks ago I was in a lot of pain.  Today the pain is much less and I know I am getting better.  The risk with the Vertebroplasty procedure downside is not worth the risk I would be taking.  I have until the end of May to change my mind if I stop getting better....

16 Mar 2023, Thursday

16 Mar 2023, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task Repair the connection of the flex-water hose Spray the fruit trees, grave vines, and roses with the Neem I purchased Tuesday at Cook's nursery. Check on Apple TV $6.99 monthly charge 10:00 AM - appointment with Dr. Smith, dentist for Debbie and me to get our teeth cleaned Note:  It has occurred to me over the last few weeks something I new but had not realized that one bookend to Christ's approximately 3-year ministry on earth was when he went into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days.  Then came the first temptation, it was physical.  Christ was hungry and the devil told Him to turn stones into bread.  Christ did not succumb.  The second was spiritual. Satan tells Christ, you want the people to believe you are the Son of God, then just jump off the pinnacle of the temple and angels will catch you.  When the people see this they will know you are the Son of God.  Neither did this work for Satan.  Then...

15 Mar 2023, Wednesday

15 Mar 2023, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task Wyatt Johnson's 15th Birthday 10:30 AM - Endowment appointment at Mt. Timpanogas Temple 2:00 PM - Curtis Anderson, Solar Energy Consultant Smart Wave Solar phone 801-400-4787, email Dan Owen, Owen Tree Care phone 2089-440-6936 called and scheduled evening of April 5th to prune fruit trees, grape vines, and roses Debbie was up early and went to the Legacy Center for her aerobic class.  I got up had prayer, showered, shaved, and got dressed to go to the temple this morning.  When Debbie got home we had prayer together; she showered and got ready.  We drove to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and did some family file ordinance work.  On the way back home we stopped at Alpha Printing in American Fork and I picked up my printed hard copy of my 2022 Journal.  We got home and ate lunch.  Curtis Anderson came by at 2 PM and made his presentation for Solar Energy.  I think Debbie may purchase a s...

14 Mar 2023, Tuesday

 14 Mar 2023, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task 3:30 PM - Camden performs in the choir at the Riverton High School Debbie and I had prayer before she left to go take care of Pam Allenbach today.  She cooked breakfast and I cleaned the kitchen and dishes after she left.  I went  Thrive Nursery and saw  Kristina Veenker .  She has ordered an espalier two or three grafts pear tree.  She have me the cards of a couple of people who can help with the pruning of the trees, grape vines, and roses.  Owen Tree Carre 208-440-6936.  Krist attended a class he taught.  I tried calling and got his answering machine.  I did not leave a message because he is in Idaho.  The other was Gustoavo Lopez with The Other Side Landscaping 801-636-1713.  I talked to him and sent him a text with our address.  I went by Cook's Nursery and bought a bottle of Neem to defend against insects, disease, and mites.  I also bought a self-mixing sprayer...

13 Mar 2023, Monday

 13 Mar 2023, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task call Blue Rock Medical about insurance approval for procedure on back check NH, Gateway, and Floyd appraisals Get Matthew and Melodie's flight schedule to Florida and make our restoration on Delta and anything else we need to plan while in the South and on the Royal Caribbean Cruise reservation at Palace Resorts in June-July  Thrive Nursery  Kristina Veenker, a supervisor and is also in charge of purchasing.  Last year she said the pear-grafted espalier could arrive around the first of March.  I told her I would call  (801-205-5548 920, Find out from Kristina if she knows anyone to help prune the espalier fruit trees and roses Check with Humana about a copy of Dr. Mark T. Saunders report on March 11th here at the house, (I called Signify at 855-319-4450 and they are emailing me the report) 1:00 PM - Lehi Family History Center, Mary Jo Young Walk at the Legacy Center Check with Melody about the return flight from ...

12 Mar 2023, Sunday

 12 Mar 2023, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task Bo Lively's 19th Birthday Jason Lively's 55th Birthday 10:00 AM - meet David and Marsha Knutson at Abbington Memory Center to arrange for them to cover for us on April 30th. 11:15 AM - report ministering service to Taylor Tuckett, Elders Quorum 12 Noon - Lehi Ward Sacrament meeting I sent Janson and Bo, my nephews a text wishing them a happy birthday today.  I ran the clock up one hour for the change of time.  Debbie and I had prayer, showered, and shaved, and I met with the Knutsons at Abbington Memory Center about our schedule being changed in April while Debbie got ready for church.  Brother Knutson was agreeable to the proposed changes in April where they would cover for us while we are in Florida and we would cover for them for two weeks in May but Sister Knutson said she did not think they could.  When I got home I called Brother Jeff Meeks and he agreed to cover April 30th for us.  I sent him a copy of the...

11 Mar 2023, Saturay

 11 Mar 2023, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task 1:00 PM -  Signify  Home Health visit Debbie cooked breakfast for his sister, Karlene, Joe L., and Betty.  Later we had prayer together.  Karlene, her husband, and granddaughter went to see Maverick basketball games today.  Later, Debbie took birthday presents that Anndalyn ordered for Braddock and Ocie to their home.  Anndalyn did not want the children to see them.  Jared came by with Tate, Max, and Jack to visit.  Later I ate brunch; Debbie came home and at 12:30 PM Dr. Mark T. Saunders, M.D. OBGYN came by from home health for a visit and did a health physical and survey on us.  Afterward, I went to the Legacy Center to walk.  When I got home Debbie went over to George Gourley's and took her Merrill Lynch financial documents for him to look over.  I faced timed my sister Ora in Florida.  This evening I took Debbie to the Cinemark Theater in American Fork to see the movi...

10 Mar 2023, Friday

 10 Mar 2023, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task CHECK on the  Royal Caribbean  cruise - FHC in Lehi Debbie was up early and went to the Legacy Center to swim and exercise.  I had my personal prayer and orders some Vitamin B-12 for us.  Since we have been on the vegetarian diet and taking Metformin for about 6 months we have not been getting enough B-12 in our diet.  When Debbie got home we had prayer, read scriptures, and worked on organizing my vitamins and supplements for another week.  I went to the Legacy Center and walked.  I did not do any lifting.  I am still favoring my back and waiting to get it repaired.  It is not hurting nearly as bad as it did a few weeks ago.  I checked with the family history center in Lehi, and Sister Young will not be back in until Monday at 1 PM.  Then again on Wednesday at 1 PM.  The cruise on April 23 - 30 on Royal Caribbean, Wonder of the Sea, reservation for Debbie and me 8272477, o...

9 Mar 2023, Thursday

 9 Mar 2023, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task 2:00 PM - Debbie and I have an appointment at Draper Temple for a family endowment session 4:00 PM - appointment for family initiatory sessions.  Debbie and I had prayer, studied scriptures, and worked on genealogy and A&M Investment.  I did some studying and took notes on eating healthily.  , had brunch, and Matthew called and he got us a hotel, April 19th to 22nd in Florida for Madeline's cheer competition and made reservations for us to go with them on the cruise on April 23rd to 30th.  Then the girls are going home and Matthew and I will visit Ora and Dan before going to Georgia to work on dividing all the assets James Morris, Wayne Abercrombie, and I owed.  I plan to be back home by the middle of May.  I need to get my back repaired and go to visit Beth and the Children before I go anywhere.   I worked on my dietary program with vitamins, supplements, and Metformin.  I also work...

8 Mar 2023, Wednesday

 8 Mar 2023, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task 1:00 PM - Appointment at Lehi Family History center to move Family Search data into Find My Path - Sister Mary Jo Young, Instructor at the center 6:30 PM - Relief Society Birthday Party Note:  Information copied from my journal for Mary Jo Young, Family History Center in Lehi: Dec. 10, 2009 I went to Dublin, Ireland.  I stayed at the Maldron Hotel, it is now the Clayton Hotel Cardiff Lane.  I stayed in room 406.  The hotel was located on Said Ui Maricin Road (R813) across the Liffy River from the Convention Centre.   I got acquainted with Jimmy Carrol one of the owners.  He sold the land to the hotel company and has a penthouse with his own private elevator.  His main home is on a farm in Delgany about 25 miles from Dublin.  His wife's name is Miriam and they have 7 children.  I did some genealogy research while I was here.   I went to several locations and found somethin...

7 Mar 2023, Tuesday

 7 Mar 2023, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task 8:30 PM - Alex Gourley opens his mission call Note:  The future of eternity is basically built around a man and a woman. My Dad, James Olin McAlpin was born in 1910 and my Mother, Willie Inez Thrash was born in 1913,  Ancestral Mathematics was simple, in order to be born, you needed two parents, four grandparents, and eight great-grandparents.  For you to be born today from 12 previous generations you needed a total of 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years or so. In 25 five generations you need 67,108,864 fathers and 67,108, 864 mothers.              Think for a moment; How many struggles, How many battles, How many difficulties, How much sadness was there?  Then think; How much happiness, How many love stories, How many expressions of hope for the future did all of our ancestors have to undergo for YOU to exist in this present moment? Debbie was up early this morning and went...

6 Mar 2023, Monday

6 Mar 2023, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task Brett Hobbs' 41st Birthday  6:00 AM - Debbie, weight exercise at Lehi's Legacy Center Retack with trim nails the base of the kitchen counter that has come loose 9:30 AM - Blue Rock Medical appointment for a bone density test - check on insurance and appointment for procedure to repair fractured T-12 vertebra.  10:00 AM - Debbie's stretch lab appointment  Deposit this month's check into Wells Fargo Savings Lehi Family History Center - download names, pictures, and data from Family Search to My Heritage - Sister Mary Jo Young helped me - "partneraccess" for My Heritage and Find My Past through Family Search.  I will go back Wednesday and see Sister Young at 1 PM to download the data to Gedcom and then into Find My Past. Debbie was up early this morning, we had prayer together before she left to go to her aerobic class at 6;00 AM.  I sent Brett, my son-in-law a chain link with all the family wishing him a happy birthd...

5 Mar 2023, Sunday

 5 Mar 2023, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task 10:30 AM - Church at Abbington Memory Center Debbie was up early; I slept in; we had prayer, and she shoveled the snow on the drive.  We went to Abbington Memory center at about 10 AM and set up for church at 10:30 AM.  We attended and made sure the priesthood and sisters from Lehi 2nd Ward had everything they needed and the TV room set up for the sacrament meeting.  After the music, sacrament, and messages we helped put everything back up and came home.  I called and talked to Beth and Matthew but could not get Michael and Rae Lynn.  I left messages on their phone.  Debbie and I attended our ward's meeting at 12 Noon.  After church, we came home and I tried to call Ora.  I left her a message on her answering machine on her phone.  I called and talked to Elain.  I read scriptures and some in Elder Holand's book, "Our Day Star Rising".  Debbie cooked dinner and we broke our fast a...

4 Mar 2023, Saturday

 4 Mar 2023, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM,   Roots Tech Virtual Genealogical Conference  *Note:  “It’s (genealogy) a way to learn about the ancestors that live on through me. We are the key to our ancestors’ eternal life, and through my children, in a way, I’ll live forever.” -Ali Astin she sent to Shawn Astin, her father, on stage at Roots Tech                                                                  With the blessings of the Temple, we will have roots and wings through JESUS CHRIST.  "Roots" (I am putting this quote in the front of the book, Favorite Quotes and Thoughts of Leonard and Debbie, 2022 Quotes and Thoughts, I am sending to all the children this year.) We had prayer together this morning.  I showered and shaved.   Debbie took Max, Jac...