31 Jul 2023, Monday
31 Jul 2023, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task Eric Brown's 42nd Birthday Take any garbage collected over the weekend to the street 2:30 PM MDT - Phone conference with Eric Fisher, Matthew, and Michael Emission Compliance SubaruVehicle Registration Reminder *Note: This week's study of the scriptures is in the Book of Acts. I was reading in the 26th chapter verses 25 and 26 where Paul is before King Agrippa. It reminded me of a young Elder Boyd K. Packer nervous about an assignment and what President Harold B. Lee told him: " When I was young and very new in my calling, I was sent east to meet with powerful, prominent officials who were blocking our work. As I left for the airport, I stopped to see President Harold B. Lee and asked, “Do you have any parting counsel?” ...